When we first take our wedding vows, the world almost glitters with our excitement. Talks of growing old together are filled with visions of rocking chairs on front poaches looking out over a white picket fence onto a street lined with trimmed trees and green grass. But it isn't long until we begin to see the weeds in the yard, the unpainted fence and the withered branches threatening to fall on our car in the driveway at the next strong wind.
Perhaps I have overstated the vision, but you get the point. Life has a way of knocking off our rose colored glasses in a hurry.
Married women who have been walking with the Lord for many years can be a marvelous resource for young married women. As the older women in the church, we need to be friendly, none judgmental, and open to listen to the young women's struggles in their marriages. As young women we need to seek out friendships with older women so we can have support as we learn what loving a husband really means (Titus 2:3-5).