Paul warns Titus of false teachers and prophets. These are men and women who live off of believers offerings as they teach commandments of men as though they were the Word of God. In Paul's time they taught circumcision was required for salvation. In our cultures it will most likely be some other qualification they teach is necessary in addition to the blood of Jesus. That is blasphemous against Christ’ sacrifice of giving his life to redeem us (Titus 1:10-14).
False teachers tell stories to back up their credibility, but if the teaching is out of the scope of sound doctrine even their works are disqualified. Remember false prophets and teachers will be able to perform signs and wonders (2 Thess 2:8-12; Rev 13:13-14, 19:20).
How do we distinguish between false and truth? We can recognize false teaching by knowing God's Word ourselves (Mt 4:4; 1 John 4:1-6). No one is save beyond the scope of Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins. No gift of God is earned. If it were, it would not be a gift (Romans 4:4-5, 11:6) .