Let’s take another look at grace, mercy and peace. Imagine someone telling you something that, if true, will turn your life upside down and make you question everything you believed to be true up to this point. How do you reconcile this new information with the what you thought was true? How do you sort through all the ramifications if it is true? What do you do with the emotions that sweep over you like waves of the ocean, catching your breathe and pushing you under the water?
God gives you three gifts that will walk with you through the long road to recovery. They are Grace, mercy and peace (Titus 1:4).
Grace to give you the strength to face the truth. Mercy that you can extend both to yourself and to others, and peace that God is with you, even in this circumstance.
“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you. Do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid” (John 15:27)