"For the faith of those chosen by God" (Titus 1:1). Today we will look at the phrase "for the faith". Paul's letters were written to strengthen our faith. There are times in spiritual warfare that we feel overcome with weakness. We may fear that our faith will be destroyed.
More than once in my life, my faith has been tried to a frazzled end. I cried out to God, "Help me!" Quickly followed by, "I choose to believe in you. I choose to believe."
Was God not answering my prayer? Where did my strength come from to believe? I can assure you, it was not from me. I clung to God like a frightened cat buries it's claws in the sofa. I did not have a surge of faith that I can point to. It was a brass knuckles ride of faith, a decision of faith.
But every time God has restored to me his gift of faith and delivered me from my enemies. Jesus did not pray that we would not have trouble. He did pray that we would be saved from the evil one, and so we are (John 17:15).