Paul gives instructions to the elder men in the church. They are “to be sober, reverent, sound in faith, in love, in patience:” (Titus 2:2). To be sober does not mean not having a sense of humor, not to laugh or share humorous stories. It means to always be aware that our words, behaviors and attitudes carry messages to, from and about God. Humor is important to health and to the message of the love of God.
To be reverent is to remember that all we do and say is for the glory of God. We are either conveying his love, holiness and mercy or we are conveying irreverence for God.
To be sound in faith is to do what is right in every situation or to remain in an attitude of waiting until God shows us what to do.
To be sound in love is to consistently do what is right while soaked in God’s love toward us and others.
To be sound in patience is to be consistently patient with others putting our trust in God and recognizing our own unworthiness. It is amazing how being aware of our huge need for God’s mercy and forgiveness breads patience toward others.