"Do not lay hands on anyone quickly, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourselves pure" (1 Timothy 5:22, 4:14).
In my former denomination the congregation voted in their pastors. The deacons interviewed applicants from across the nation, then choose whom they thought would be an excellent pastor. There would be a meet and greet meeting on a Saturday evening. Then the candidate would preach Sunday morning and Sunday evening. That same night the congregation would vote. Often the new pastor fit the congregation, but there were times when things did not turn out as well as expected.
In the first century, a man or woman proved themselves to be worthy of ministry long before being given the responsibility to pastor part of God's flock. The people knew the individual, his or her quirks, philosophy and habits. There were no surprises. Paul is warning Timothy and us to be careful who we give spiritual responsibility. It takes time to recognize wolves in sheep's clothing.