Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hidden Treasures

Paul said that good works, like sins, are sometimes obvious and at other times take a while to discover (1 Timothy 5:24-25, 5:22).  An elder sister in my father's church used to fall asleep often during services.  After you got to know her you learned that she spent most of the night praying for her family, her church, and her friends.  It was no surprise that she fell asleep.

Some individuals suffer from shyness.  They are tormented from the fear of being rejected, but their hearts are pure gold.  Judging from their aloofness, many have judged them as snobs and unfriendly.  On the contrary, they are some of the most loving, caring people you will ever meet.

It takes time and effort to truly know someone.  Ask The Lord about reaching out to someone new this Christmas season.  Spend time getting to know that shy person that lives on the outskirts of your fellowship.