The desire to be rich may lie at the heart of the strife between employee and employer. Because of the daily interaction between the two, each are keenly aware of each other's faults. The employer may be thinking, " No wonder that employee never climbed the ladder of success." The employee may be thinking, "He's no better than I am. Why did he make it and I am stuck under such unrealistic expectations."
In this case both the employee and the employer are focused on gain, just from different advantage points. That focus, according to Paul, and in my own experience, produces pride, obsessions with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, and evil suspicions. The outcome? Thinking if I prove to be right, I will be at an advantage (gain) (1 Timothy 6:1-5).
If we find ourselves in this position, what should we do? Pray. Pray for God to change our heart. Pray for wisdom. Then wait on God to reveal what to do by soaking night and day in his Word. He may only show us one step at a time. We take that step, then wait again.