In the workplace, we are to pursue love, patience and meekness (1 Timothy 6:1-2, 11). Love may confront evil and apply consequences and yet remain patient and teachable (meek).
Imagining walking through confrontation or unfair circumstances is far different than actually living in the midst of the turmoil. As I face an impossible situation, God reveals the shadows that hide in the corners of who I am in my humanness. I see clearly that I cannot walk uprightly without a total dependence on God to save me from myself.
I imagine conversations to battle with my enemy, but God says,"Do not think what you will say, or how you will say it, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what to say and speak" (Luke 12:11-12 ). We prepare for battle. We study and know the facts. We soak our minds in scripture and prayer. We take careful steps to remain meek, patient and loving while standing firm against our enemies.
Who can do this without God?