John reveals quite a lengthy discussion between Pilate, the Jews and Jesus. We see Pilate in a debate with himself. The historian Josephus wrote that Pilate was sent back to Rome because of a particularly harsh suppression of a Samaritan uprising. Therefore we know Pilate was not a gentle man and had no problem with executing someone.
He questions Jesus, "Are you a king?". Jesus asks Pilate, "Are you speaking for yourself or did someone else tell you about me?" (John 18:33-35).
Pilate immediately becomes defensive. "Am I a Jew? Your own nation and chief priests have delivered you to me. What have you done?"
Pilate wants to distance himself by attributing the issue of Jesus' kingdom to a local ethnic problem. He does not think it has anything to do with him personally. How could it? But Pilate had to face the same question we all must face. Is Jesus our personal King or do we distance him from us by relegating him to a religious argument?