Wednesday, July 18, 2012


God had commanded the Israelites that every 50 years at the Passover they were to forgive all debts. Any land that had been sold was to return to its original owner. All slaves were released. It was called the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25). Jesus was crucified on the Day of Atonement during the year of Jubilee, the holiest day in Israel.

It was to this tradition that Pilate was referring when he said to the crowd, "You have a custom that I should release someone to you at the Passover". He then offered to release Jesus. But the crowd chooses to have a robber by the name of Barabbas released instead of Jesus (John 18:38-40).

They chose someone who robs from them over someone who healed their sick, raised their dead and revealed the Father's love to them. We click our tongues and shake our heads at their foolish choice.

But, really, what are we doing when we make choices that are clearly against God's commands? Are we not choosing what Satan, the robber, offers over the abundant life offered by the Lamb of God (John 10:10)?