Thursday, July 19, 2012


When the people did not accept Pilate's offer to free Jesus, Pilate had Jesus beaten. While other writers give us more details about this form of torture, John gives us a brief description. The soldiers mocked him, putting on him a crown twisted together out of branches of a throne bush. They placed a purple robe on him and blindfolded him. Then they hit him in the face with their hands saying, "Prophesy! Who is the one who struck you?Luke 22:63-65).

When you are blindfolded, you cannot see where the next hit is coming from and are unable to either defend yourself or prepare for the blow.

Have you ever been the brunt of a cruel practical joke? Has anyone responded to an idea you had with sarcasm? Have anyone ever put you down publicly? Can you remember the anger and indignation you felt? You may have lashed back defending yourself in an attempt to put the person in their place.

Jesus, though he had the power with a single word to take the breath out of each attacker, choose to silently accept the cruel treatment. He taught us by example not to lash out at those who are treating us unjustly, but to trust God who will judge every persons' actions, either now or eternally (2 Peter 2:21-25).