John refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was one of the three inner circle that consisted of Peter, James and John (Matthew 17:1-4; Mark 1:29, 5:37; Luke 8:51). Yet John also had a close relationship with the high priest, so much so that he had influence with the servant girl who was in charge of the gate into the of the pharisee court yard (John 18:15-16).
John told us earlier that many of the pharisees believed but kept silent for fear of loosing their place in the synagogue (John 12:42-43). These passages lead me to think John had spoken often with the religious leaders about the Christ.
John loved Jesus. He felt loved by him. He was so dedicated to our Lord that he risked his life to follow Jesus, not only into the court yard but to the cross (John 19:26-27). Judas had known the priests in order to betray Jesus. John knew them in order to share Jesus with them.
It is not who we know that is important, but what is our motive in knowing them.