Jesus said, "For this cause I was born. For this cause I have come into the world, thai I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice" (John 18:37). Pilate responds, "What is truth?"
Jesus spoke of truth and Pilate responded as though it were a philosophical question. The twentieth and twenty-first century culture has responded the same way. It is as though they have taken Pilate's words as a mantra. Philosophers have said "Every thing is relative. There is no truth". But their sentence contradicts their thesis. If there is no truth, then the statement itself becomes untrue. It is a nonsensical cycle.
If we say there is no truth, we think we avoid having to deal with who Jesus is. We avoid facing our depravity and our need for God.
But truth exists regardless of whether we acknowledge it's existence or not. The day will come when we will stand before the Truth and the location of our eternal existence will be pronounced. Better we should come to the Truth, now than be judged by the Truth later (John 3:16-17, 14:6).