When the crowd of soldiers, officers and pharisees came stomping, shouting and waving their weapons into the once quiet garden, Peter and the others were startled awake from a deep sleep (26:36-46). Peter's first response is to draw his sword and attack the man closest to him, which turned out to be a servant of the high priest (John 18:10). Jesus immediately tells Peter to put away his sword.
Remember Jesus told the officers to allow his disciples to leave. Even after Peter lashes out, no one in the crowd pursues them when the disciples flee for their lives (John 16:32). Scripture specifically states this happened so none of the disciples would be lost (John 18:8-9).
There is at least one other time we see this happen. When God delivered Israel out of Egypt he specifically led them away from war because he knew they would give up too quickly and turn back to slavery (Exodus 13:17-18).
God knows what we are prepared to face and will arrange for our protection (1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 1:11). Remember, if you are facing it, God has prepared for you a way through it.