Over the centuries men and women have worn girdles. Sweat poured off the forehead while the individual tried to pull that tightly fitting stretch material over thick thighs and bulging belly.
Making our minds obey God's laws is not an easy task. Peter likens it to the war with the girdle (1 Peter 1:113). Paul likens it to taking prisoners of war (2 Corinthians 10:5).
All disobedience begins by thinking about the forbidden object. We don't sin by accident. We contemplate what it will be like. We imagine the problems it could cause and work out how we can still do as we want and avoid any negative consequences. The enemy of our life is more than happy to assist us.
Satan reassures us we can get by with it, but he is a liar. God says "Make sure your sins will find you out" (Number 32:23) and "Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7). Since he always speaks truth, we can be assured we cannot escape the negative outcome.
The best way to protect yourself from making foolish choices against God's principles is to put a girdle on your mind, forcing your thoughts into obedience to Christ.