It is painful when someone you love expresses a disinterest in Jesus and all he has done for us. Our relationship with the Son of God is our most precious possession. He gives our lives meaning.
But to those who do not believe, Jesus is an old religion full of superstition and rituals. He is no more precious to their minds than a grey rock in the gravel or a crack in the sidewalk that causes one to trip.
People who do not obey the Word of God live a life of disobedience to his commands. They stumble because they have no understanding. They are poor and numb to the richness of God’s presence. Our standards appear absurd to their reasoning. Therefore they are more prone to ridicule our choices and are left wondering about our sanity (Mark 3:21).
We should not be surprised when this happens to us, since Jesus told us ahead of time that these things will come to pass (John 15:18-22; 16:1-3).