Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy open their second letter to the Thessalonians as they did most of their letters. "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thessalonians 1:1-2).
People can be gracious who do not know God. People can experience a sense of peace as they walk on a sandy beach, see majestic mountains, or meander down a path in a rich green forest. Earth bound graciousness and peace can bring momentary relief but have no lasting affect on our state of well being.
The team of ministers who wrote this letter are referring to the only kind of grace that carries power to create lasting peace, God's grace. God's grace is the word used to encompass the mercy, love and power God is working in our lives. Knowing that God is specifically working in each individual life (yours and mine) produces a deep foundational peace both in our mind and in our spirit.