When we are intimately involved with someone, it can be difficult to remember we are in spiritual warfare. When the behavior of the person we love hurts us, we naturally want to lash out or withdraw completely. Our thoughts become focused on how that person is not aware of our needs. We ask ourselves why they cannot see what they are doing to us.
When all attempts to communicate our needs have failed, we may contemplate breaking off the relationship. If the person is violent, leaving may be exactly what we need to do. In every case, whether leaving is necessary, or staying in the relationship is right, we must pray for that person. Something is broken inside. Something we cannot fix. Only God can heal deep emotional wounds.
As you pray for wisdom in what choice to make, ask God to heal that person's broken spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:25; Isaiah 42:3; 53:5; Psalm 147:3; Luke 4:18).