We read that we are to never return evil for evil but always follow that which is good. What does this look like in the face of child molesters, murderers, robbers, and perpetrators of viscous crimes? Does the commandment to forgive and the instruction never to return evil or evil mean we do nothing to stop those who violate others (Matthew 6:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:15)?
No. It is not merciful to allow someone to continue to violate people. It is not merciful to future victims or merciful to the violator. We can never understand mercy until we face judgement. The only hope of salvation for many is the facing the consequences of their actions. God instituted punishment for crimes both to protect individuals and to deter sin (Numbers 15:29-31; Exodus chapters 21 -22; Leviticus chapter 26).
It dies mean whatever we do to confront the criminal is not done out of vengeance but a heart that desires repentance and salvation.