Monday, February 4, 2013

Knitting vs Crocheting

I tried to learn to knit several times but failed. I think my failure was due to my impatience. I had learned to crochet first and was able to whip out a scarf in no time, but knitting a scarf took two to three times longer.

I like the look of a knitted sweater. The threads are close together so that you see them as one massive piece of material while in crocheting you easily distinguish each thread. But as I said, I was much to impatient to learn. I wanted results now.

Paul alludes to the fact that believers should be knit together in love (Colossians 2:1-2). It takes time to become meshed with other believers. It takes conflicts and forgiveness. It takes patients and laughter. It takes disagreements and agreements. It takes disappointments and compassion.

It takes time.