Wednesday, February 13, 2013


There are things I taught my children when they were young that were based on men's empty philosophy. These were not traditions of the world, but traditions taught in the church at that time. For instance, I taught them that certain beats of music were evil because they were used in ceremonies of indigenous people of other countries. Syncopation was thought to be destructive because it ran contrary to the heartbeat.

This along, with many other mistakes based more on Christian philosophy rather than on scripture, caused a lot of pain for me and my children. It cheated us from the freedom found in Christ. It created a riff between them and faith. They felt rejected and misunderstood. We were more interested in their conversion than in who they were as individuals, therefore the message of God's love for them was missed altogether.

It is difficult not to condemn one's self when you recognize the pain you have caused others. How sweet the news is that all of these sins have been forgiven and wiped away by the blood of Jesus (Colossians 2:8-13).