Paul writes that understanding the great mystery, that God rescued us from destruction through Jesus Christ, protects us from being deluded by persuasive men whose intent is to deceive us (Colossians 2:3-4). He repeats the same premise in verse 8, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of this world, rather than according to Christ."
What is the deception of men? Looking at the context of Paul's letter, it becomes clear the deception is a self focused life. Living as though there is no God, no responsibility to live rightly, no heaven, no hell, only my wants and my desires.
Instead we are to be firmly rooted and built up in our faith (vs7). We are to discipline ourselves and be stable in our faith (vs 5). We are to walk in a manner pleasing to The Lord that reflects what we believe (vs1:9-10, 2:6).
Notice Paul calls the way of the world empty deception. It promises fulfillment but produces only disappointment.