Much of what we know about the Holy Spirit comes from Jesus' departing words to his disciples. Their entire lives are about to be turned upside down again. They would no longer be seeing him on a daily basis. They needed to remember and understand all the things he had been teaching them.
The fear of the Romans and crucifixion would dominate their thinking and their action for the next few days. They would soon be filled with feelings of confusion, betrayal and anger toward Judas. They needed hope planted deep in their hearts. Jesus was using his last private moments with them to give them hope. A Divine Helper was coming; someone who came directly from the Father and from Jesus (John 14:16, 15:26).
That helper, the Spirit of Truth, would continue to teach them as Jesus had done for the last three years. But the Spirit if Truth would be with them the rest of their lives as he will be with you (John 16:7-15, 14:15-16).