Thursday, August 7, 2014

Define Holy

We are chosen to be a Holy nation (1 Peter 1:9).  To be holy is to be “dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; to be sacred.”  

Yes, to be Holy means we avoid sin (1 John 3:8).  We avoid disobedience to God (1Peter 1:14).  But it means so much more than that.  It means to be dedicated to God.  Our entire day, our every waking hour is dedicated to being the kind of person who reflects godly character (Romans 5:.4)  Our motives in every choice is to please God, love others, speak truth, take care of things for which God has given us the responsibility (Genesis 1:26; Ephesians 4:14-15; John 13:34;  1 Thessalonians 4:1).  

In other words, to be holy is to act continually as one committed to God and his ways.