Monday, August 25, 2014


In recent days we have been hearing about the journalist that was beheaded.  Not only did the men commit this crime, they filmed it for the world to see.  It is difficult for me to fathom such callus hearts.  How can Peter write, “honor all men” when men like this want to rule the world (1 Peter 2: 17)?

In America we think a man should earn honor, therefore we do not honor un-honorable men, but treat them with distain.  If we do not like an incumbent president, we may refuse to call him President.  We make jokes about the president, and we are often disrespectful.   But this is contrary to scripture.  

To honor all men is to “adhere to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct.”  Therefore if an evil man or woman is in authority, we may work to have him removed, nonetheless we show respect for the office he or she holds.  Though we may and should confront and fight against evil behavior, we continue steadfast in the self disciple of honoring the person who holds the office (i. e. calling him or her by the appropriate title of President).

(Note:  The men who committed this crime are not legitimate rulers.  Those who forcibly takeover governments are not automatically worthy of honor.)