Most scholars believe the author of the book of James was Jesus' brother (Galatians 1:19). James remembered what it was like before he believed that his older brother was the Messiah, the promised one. He could remember the time he and his other brothers wanted to put Jesus away for losing his mind and moments when they had taunted and made fun of him (Mark 3:21; John 7:5).
Jesus was popular. They were not.
He and his brothers went to the temple to worship God. They were devout Jews. But their hearts were not yet changed. It was not until after the resurrection that James finally understood who Jesus was. It was then he recognized his envy of his brother's fame had blinded his eyes to the truth. He knew first hand how demonic envy, strife and bitterness can damn a person, so he warns us.
If we find our tongues impossible to restrain, we must ask God to change our hearts.