There is man's wisdom and God's wisdom. They are naturally opposed to one another (Galatians 5:17; Isaiah 55:8). James gives us guidelines to be able to tell the difference between the way God does things and our own inclinations.
Godly wisdom is pure. It has no ulterior motives. It does not appear to be one thing and is another. It is straight forward and honest.
Godly wisdom also is peaceable. It does not stir up trouble for the sake of advancement (Romans 12:18). That does not mean a wise decision will not meet with resistance. It means that is not our purpose.
Godly wisdom is willing to yield. This does not mean willing to compromise the truth. It does mean we are ready to examine our decision in the light of new information and to admit when we are wrong.
Godly wisdom is full of mercy and good fruit. We are careful of other's feelings, desires and ready to forgive offenses.
Godly wisdom is without partiality and hypocrisy. Our decision would be the same, given the same circumstances, regardless of whether we are dealing with someone we like or someone we dislike; someone who can help us advance or has no influence over our advancement.
Not an easy requirement. We need God (James 3:17).