Can you imagine being a guest in someone's home and your host serving you a coke from a drinking glass with a sharp jagged edge on one side? Imagine your host saying, "we didn't want to throw it away because the lip on the other side is not broken". You would think there was something seriously wrong with the person, and you would be right.
We understand that if any part of a drinking glass is broken, the entire glass is broken. Why do we have such a difficult time grasping the fact that if we break one command of God we are as guilty as though we had broken them all (James 2:8-13)?
It is not a break in thought when James immediately says, "for judgement is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgement" (James 2:13). When I recognize my need for God's mercy, I am ready to approach others with mercy. I will love based on God's love for me, not on a misconstrued idea that I am better than someone else.