Lazarus’ death and resurrection was a prelude to Christ’s resurrection. Please note that Lazarus came out of the tomb “bound hand and food with grave-clothes” and “his face was wrapped with a cloth.” Jesus had to tell the people to unwrap Lazarus (John 11:44). It would have been impossible for Lazarus to unwind himself. He needed help.
If Jesus was only a man like Lazarus, he too would have needed help to unwind the linen strips that bound him at his burial. Scripture tells us he was buried in linen strips mixed with about 100 pounds of spices (John 19:38-39). It would be impossible for anyone who had been tortured and crucified, and his hands bound to his sides to break through the 100 pound strips of linen and spices. Yet his strips were left in the empty tomb and the head pieces folded up in a place by itself (John 20:3-7).
Jesus raised himself from the Dead (John 10:18).