When Christ changes us, he changes our relationships. Some people become dearer, while others drift away. Philemon and Onesimus were about to find this out.
We have talked about Philemon, but what about Onesimus? Returning as a runaway slave could not have been easy. Onesimus had tasted freedom. He could come and go as he pleased. He bought things, visited whomever he wished, and whenever he wished. Now he was about to return to obedience and possible punishment.
Paul could empathize because he was in prison for preaching Christ, but he could not control the outcome. Onesimus was returning out of obedience to his Savior. It was up to Philemon whether Onesimus’ repentance would be accepted or if he would inflict revenge. But the newly reborn slave had to obey God regardless of the consequences. His relationship with God was worth it.