When I was a teenager, our group of friends would go out after church for a coke and fries. During the summer nights, we would often take walks in the fields. On one or two occasions we walked down a viaduct, water rushing by us on either side. With no moonlight, I strained to see the path in front of me. Thankfully none of us fell into the dangerous canals.
Paul tells Timothy, "Be watchful in all things" (2 Timothy 4:5). The English Standard Version reads, "be sober minded". Like walking along a dangerous viaduct in the dark, We need to be on guard against false teaching. All things must be measured against God's Word.
The Bible is not a conglomerate of individual opinions. It is a collection of testimonies of God at work in individual lives and set of instructions given by God to us. Jesus referred to the books in the Old Testament as scripture. Each of the New Testament books was written by either someone who was directly taught by Jesus or lived and worked with one of Jesus' disciples. All of the authors of the New Testament books were murdered for what they believed, except for John.
Why wouldn't I measure all things by their writings?