Larry Mathew Pitt, a youth evangelist in Birmingham Alabama, was arrested for impersonating a police officer. This was his second offense. Bond was set at $15,000. Joseph William Naecker, of Port Orange, also was arrested for impersonating a police officer and his bond was set at $95,000. The crime can carry a sentence of three years in jail and heavy fines.
In religious circles there are also impersonators. We often refer to them as wolves in sheepskin clothing (Mathew 7:15). Paul describes them as people who want to be teachers, who teach as truth things they do not understand. Their teachings cause more questions than bring answers. (1 Timothy 1:4,7). Some teach to gain wealth (Titus 1:11) others out of envy and to cause division (Romans 16:17-18; Philippians 1:15).
Paul writes, "Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeighned" (1 Timothy 1:5).
In other words, do not pretend faith. Be sincere and honest in all your worship.