Most of us in America attend services in a building we call a church. It usually holds a platform, musical instruments and some form of art with religious significance. The Jewish people celebrated worship in what was known as a synagogue. The early Christians attended services there with others who did not believe or know Jesus as the Messiah.
Eventually followers of Jesus obtained the reputation as being a cult and were kicked out of the normally accepted places of worship. So they had no choice but to begin worship in their homes. Nymphas held one of these churches (Colossians 4:15). Paul instructed his readers to pass the letter among these new house churches.
People had to wait for weeks or months to hear the letters read to them. In many countries today individuals put their lives on the line so others have even a portion of one of the letters. Yet, most of us in America have several translations in our homes.
Pray for those who do not have this privilege as you read and meditate on this treasure of God's words to his people.