Can you imagine what joy it would be to know that a community of believers existed because of your testimony of God's grace? Then to hear from others that those people you led to The Lord have led other people to him and that the kingdom of heaven is growing by leaps and bounds from that first seed you planted would make me want to shout (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10).
Most of us do not get to experience that this side of heaven. Because we cannot see the end results, some of us tend to worry whether our influence is significant. We cannot see how our words or life has any impact on others. We can feel insignificant in the kingdom of heaven.
But that mind set is self- focused in nature. It tends to put the weight to accomplish things on our shoulders. We need to remember God causes spiritual things to happen. Any part God allows us to play, however small, is an important part of the larger picture in other people's lives.
As we remain faithful to biblical principles in all our choices, God accomplishes his purposes for our lives (John 3:27; 1 Corinthians 3:5-8; Ephesians 2:10).