James already told us not to speak evil of one another (James 4:11-12). He has shown us that our arguing and fighting can signify an evil,heart of self focus (James 4:1-1). Now, immediately after admonishing us to patiently wait for God when we suffer at the hands of others, he warns us not to grumble against one another (James 5:9). If we do, we are in danger of being condemned by God.
Why would we be judged for grumbling when we suffer at the hands of others? Perhaps it is because, as James points out, others have suffered much worse things than we are experiencing and they remained true to their calling. The prophets of the Old Testament proclaimed the need for repentance and were thrown into prison, pits, beaten and some were murdered (James 5:9-10). Job lost all his possessions and children yet continued to trust God.
James reminds us that our suffering is temporary as he points out the end of Job's life. If God has chosen to allow our current suffering, it is only a chapter in a book with a glorious ending (Romans 8:18). We are instructed not to dwell on our suffering but to refocus on God working in and through our suffering.