Patience and long suffering is not usually one of our strong suits, but they are important aspects of the Christian life. God warned us that there would be suffering (James 1:2; Hebrews 11:6; 1Peter1:6, 4:12). But he also promises to be with us and to give us what we need to remain faithful to him and his principles (Matthew 28:20; Hebrew 13:5; Philippians 4:11-13; 2 Peter 1:3).
Most of us can be patient for a short while, but when the end of our trial seems a long way off, or we cannot imagine a release, we need divine strength to remain steadfast (Galatians 5:22).
Some say do not pray for patients because God will send trials. But that advice is in direct opposition to the Word of God. Our Lord may be preparing you for what is coming into your life by prompting you to pray for this fruit of the Spirit. The trail will come whether you pray for patients or not. The disciples in the garden with Jesus is proof of that (Mark chapter 14).