Increasing in the knowledge of God is an interesting concept (Colossians 1:10). When we first come to Christ, we are overwhelmed by his goodness and kindness toward us. We can barely take it all in. The grass is greener. The sky is bluer. It is much like being in love.
Unfortunately some stop there. They do not continue to seek out God. They spend little or no time learning his word. Talking to God is limited to meal time. Naturally their hearts lose the luster of first love. It is not long until the cares of this world have blocked their view of God; their knowledge of God becomes their religion, not their life focus (Mark 4:13-20).
Increasing in the knowledge of God comes through many channels. It is much like a great river that begins as a small but happy creak bubbling up out from under a rock in the high mountains. It gains strength and size as it is joined by hundreds to thousands of other creaks and rivers. Eventually the waters pour into an ocean.
Our spiritual river is made up of knowledge of the Word, discussion with others, prayer, spending our life being aware of God, his Holy Spirit teaching us, our obedience, our love for him, our recognition of our need for him and thousands of unnamed workings of God in our lives.