Epaphroditus was a faithful believer from Philippi who did much work in the body of Christ including ministering to Paul. He became so ill that he nearly died (Philippians 2:26). Trophimus was another faithful worker who became so ill that Paul had to leave him behind as he traveled on in his missionary journey (2 Timothy 4:20). Tabitha, a wonderful woman in the New Testament church died from an illness, but Peter prayed for her and God raised her from the dead (Acts 9:36-40).
We get sick because we live in a world filled with disease. But James reminds us that we have a God who can heal sickness and disease.
When we are ill, we are to go to the elders of the church for prayer. The leaders of the church are to pray for us, anointing us with oil (symbolic of dedication to God and symbolic of the Holy Spirit). We are to pray with faith and The Lord will raise us up (James 5:14-15).