We said yesterday that God will always give us the strength to resist Satan’s temptations, yet Peter failed. Why?
We said his experience teaches us that we cannot resist temptation without relying on God. That is true, but I think there is more to learn here. Scripture tells us God had the Children of Israel go by way of the Red Sea lest when they saw war they might change their minds and go back to Egypt (Exodus 13:17). Which begs the question, if God protected Israel from facing a temptation that would cause them to fail why did God allow Peter and the rest of the disciples face a temptation that caused them to fail?
One answer is that God uses even our failures to teach us our need for him (Romans 8:28-29; I John 3:19-20; I John 1:9).
Secondly, God did not promise we would not fail, but that he would provide what we need not to fail. It is up to us to use it