Peter tells us not to think it strange when we experience fiery trials as though some strange thing has happened to us ( 1 Peter 4:12). I may have read this verse hundreds if times, and yet… I have been knocked off my feet when severe trials blow through my life knocking down my spiritual power lines and literally tearing my home apart.
Peter says we are not to puzzle over this, but to rejoice. I can hear those of you in the middle of a spiritual tornado saying, “Easy for you to say, Peter. You have no idea what or who I am dealing with.”
Did you know that Peter died as a martyr by being crucified upside down? Peter did not specify the trial on purpose. Everyones trial is different because we are individual people living in diverse circumstances. But the principle remains the same. God will eventually be glorified if we continue to trust him in whatever we are facing (1 Peter 4:12-14).