What is wrong with a little envy? Don’t we all experience it? If I read an author that has an unusual ability to persuade others of truth, I wish I had that ability. I heard Isaac Perlman play violin on the radio once and I wished I could make a violin sing like he did. I am particularly drawn to theological discussions so that I find myself envying people like Dorthy Sayers, Philip Yancy, and Ravi Zachariah.
Paul writes that covetousness is idolatry. To envy another’s talent is also a form of coveting. I am coveting someone else’s gifts of ministry. If I have that gift, I need to develop it through study, practice and prayer. If I do not have that gift, then I am not called to that ministry, therefore when I envy another’s calling, I am rejecting God’s plan for me.
This is not to say that all expressions of ministry will be at the level of the afore mentioned artists. Not even the apostles had the same level of influence or gifts. We need to minister where we are and faithfully continue to develop our own ministry (1 Peter 2:1).