How does one flee temptation? Here are a couple of simple rules.
1. Never place yourself in its path. I.e. If you have trouble resisting alcohol, never go into a liquor store. Stay away from the isle in the grocery store where shelves are filled with alcohol. If you are single and dating, never park with your date in a dark alley. Always go out with friends or park under a street light.
2. Fill your thoughts with good things. I.e. Make it your goal to memorize passages of scripture. They will come to your mind just when you need them. Memorize worship songs, then use them to worship The Lord throughout the day.
3. Call on the Lord for his strength to resist, then focus your mind and thoughts on an entirely different subject than your temptation. I.e. Get involved in art, music or sports.
4. Surround yourself with strong believers. Ask them to pray for you, then be accountable to them for your decisions.
5. Soak each moment of your day in an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving (Psalm ch 91).
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path" (Proverbs 3:5-6).