We are to be examples to believers in love, in spirit, it faith, in purity (1Timothy 4:12). We have been discussing love, now we will look at spirit. Many modern translations leave out the word spirit. However it appears in the word for word translations. So we will include it in our study.
"In spirit" some take to mean behavior. But that does not make sense, because the phrase "be an example" already implies behavior. One author of a Biblical commentary wrote that spirit meant enthusiasm. That would certainly make sense in our American culture, but I have doubts that Paul means we should have "team spirit" as those who watch their baseball team playing on the field.
I believe "in spirit" refers more to our character. In modern language we may say, "She has a purity of humility about her" or "He has a spirit of a servant about him." In other words, he or she is literal a humble person.
We are not to strive to be examples of love, faith and purity without those qualities being in us. We cannot give away what we do not have.