As we have been discussing, we are to be examples in love, faith and purity. It is important that we understand each of this, because Satan distorts truth even in definitions of words.
When a husband beats or strikes his wife, it is not an act of love. When a parent demeans a child to control him if her, it us not an act of love. When a friend speaks evil behind a person's back, it is not love. When we act out of self interest in a way that harms others, it is not love.
If we say love is giving things to others or physically dying for another person, we may still be wrong because such things can be done without love but a sense of duty (1 Corinthians 13). Paul defines love as, patient, kind, not self focused, does not envy, does not continually talk about personal achievements, not easily provoked and does not think evil of others. It does not rejoice in wrong doing, but does rejoice in the truth. It bears all things. It believes all things. It practices hope in all things. It endures all things. And yes, the greatest act of love is dying for a friend (John 15:13).
Today we pray that God will manifest himself to others through his love being displayed in us.