God designed an amazing variety of skin colors, from the darkest walnut to the palest peach. The variations in a single face is a beautiful masterpiece. But when the breath leaves the body the coloring fades into a death hue that is unmistakeable. The person who once lived inside that body is gone.
Because blood is no longer circulating in the veins the body becomes cold to the touch. Moisture begins to seep out of the pours. The muscles of the body relax and body fluids are released. Seeing someone we love cease to breathe brings such an overwhelming sensation of grief that we often go into a kind of shock. Our minds have a difficult time comprehending that our loved one is truly gone.
There is great comfort in Paul's reminding us that our loved one has not ceased to exist. He or she merely changed location from earth to heaven where the earthly body is no longer needed. The change in skin tone reminds us the body is merely a shell that housed the spirit. That spirit is now with God.
We grieve because we will not see them again on earth, but we are comforted because we will see them again when we go to join them (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).