Most criminals prefer to operate in the dark when it is more difficult for someone to identify them. There are crimes done in the secrecy of the home, because the perpetrator feels protected from public view. Our newspapers and news broadcasts are filled with stories of people who did not expect to be exposed for their crimes. Yet many are not repentant but belligerent when caught. These men and women walk in darkness(Luke 11:34-35; John 12:35-36; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5; 1 Peter 1:19).
That darkness will not last forever. God's wrath will appear suddenly without warning. All the hidden evil will be exposed to the light of Truth. Judgement will fall heavily on those who have rejected God, whether it be open rebellion or purposely hidden rejection of God (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3).
We have a Father who in his mercy has delayed his coming that more may learn to become his children, but he will not wait forever. He will take revenge on those who perpetrate evil and are not repentant from the heart (Romans 12:19; 2 Thessalonians 2:5-8).