The disciples thought John was going to remain alive until Jesus physically returned to earth to set up his kingdom (John 21:22-23). At first it appeared they were right when John was dunked in boiling oil and survived. He was eventually exiled to the Greek Island of Patmos for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rest of the disciples were martyred.
Peter was crucified upside down. James was beheaded. Andrew was crucified on a diagonal cross. Philip was Crucified. Bartholomew was tortured then beheaded. Matthew was killed by an ax and Thomas by a sword. James of Alphaeus was stoned at age 90 then clubbed to death. Jude was clubbed to death then beheaded. Simon the zealot was sawn in half, and Matthias, the disciple chosen by the eleven to take Judas' place was stoned and beheaded. Only John, the brother of James died of natural causes after a life of persecution, torture and exile.
We neither know the day of our death nor what life holds for us. But we know God, and he knows all the days of our life, from our first draw of breath till our last. He will choose our death for us (John 21:22; Psalm 139:15-16; Hebrew 9:27; Psalm 23:4, 116:15, Proverbs 14:32; Romans 14:8; Revelation 14:13; John 8:51).
We need not be afraid.