Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A letter from James

James wrote an open letter to "the twelve tribes scattered abroad". They were not scattered abroad because they had gone on a vacation. They were scattered abroad because they had fled for their lives.

Imagine being forced to leave our homes, our friends, our local markets, our favorite places and all we have known. Imagine the culture shock. It is no wonder James immediately opens his letter with the subject of trials.

"Count it all joy when you fall into various trials..."

James is not being sadistic. He is not encouraging believers to seek out trials. He is simply telling us we will encounter various kinds of trials and when we do, we need to remember each trial tests our faith. As we remain trusting God through each difficult circumstance we learn patience.

Patience teaches us to trust God. It completes produces in us all we need to remain faithful to God (James 1:1-2).