John takes his time telling the story do Jesus by the sea. Why does he give us details like the number and size of the fish, Peter throwing on his clothes to swim, and the fact that Jesus made them breakfast of bread and fish? He even tells us what kind if fire Jesus cooked the fish over (John 21:1-10).
John wants the reader to know that the resurrection was a rising of the physical body of Jesus, not a spiritual manifestation. Jesus had scars on his hands and in his side that the disciples could touch (John 20:27). Jesus could build a fire of coals and make a meal for his friends. He made a point of eating a meal with them (Luke 24:36-43; John 21:36-43).
We also will one day rise with a new body (1Corinthians 15). We will eat and drink (Matthew 26:29; Revelation 19:10; 22:2). We will experience the joy of his presence in a physical resurrected but new and glorious body (Matthew 25:21).